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From couple to family – The Journey

Infertility is becoming increasingly common and affects approximately one in 7 couples. To become a mother is a dream of most of the women for which sometimes you need a little helping hand. The problem could be either in wife or husband or it can be unexplained infertility where the underlying cause of infertility cannot be found in the couple which is on a rise these days.

It can happen as a result of increased stress, competitive work, environment, obesity, erratic lifestyles, delayed marriages, environmental toxins, prolonged family planning and priority to the career advancement over planning of pregnancy. High pressure jobs with erratic long working hours and sleeping schedule adversely affects the hormones thus increasing infertility. It is required to identify and manage the lifestyle habits which affect the outcome of pregnancy, an expertise which is develop by the doctors at Abalone clinic.

Abalone Clinic – IVF, PCOD and RPL Center

Senior IVF specialist Dr Rakhi Singh of Abalone Clinic says, the female can have irregular and infrequent periods, anovulatory cycles, polycystic ovary (PCOD) which is on a rise and a major cause of concern. There can also be any growth in the womb – fibroid, infection in the genital tract, tubal block. Depending upon the problem the treatment can be given. Super ovulation is achieved by taking drugs such as clomiphene citrate with / without gonadotropins (FSH/ HMG), the patient is three times likely conceive if combined with IUI. The disadvantage being multiple pregnancies. Once ovulation medication is given ultrasound should be done to track the follicles – follicular study, as no stimulated cycle should go unmonitored.

According to IVF expert at Abalone Clinic Dr Rakhi Singh, in men lifestyle habits like poor diet, stress, addiction to smoking or alcoholism contributes to poor sperm quality. Among men excessive laptop usage affects their fertility adversely as it produces lot of heat and radiation affecting the sperm count. A routine semen analysis can determine the major cause of male infertility. If the counts low then the female can conceive with the help of intrauterine insemination (IUI). Now with advancement of technology, men with grossly low or no sperm in ejaculate can also father a child with the help of TESA-ICSI.

For IUI the seminal sample is washed free of all the seminal plasma and all the motile good quality sperms are concentrated in 0.4ml enriched media which is free from the prostaglandins and other debris. This washed processed semen sample is placed within the uterine cavity it increases the chance of fertilization and hence pregnancy rate. IUI can also be done with the donor semen sample.

If you have made attempts to conceive but failed then IVF / ICSI is the solution, even if the sperm count is grossly low or occasional then test tube baby (IVF/ICSI) can help in conception and attaining parenthood. Those women whose tubes are blocked the best treatment is IVF. This method requires the women to take fertility drugs for a few days. This will help her body to produce lot of eggs. Once the follicles are mature, they are extracted by USG guided needle aspiration under sedation. The oocytes are fertilized by the husband’s sperm in IVF, if the husband’s sperm count is severely affected then ICSI is done that is single oocyte is fertilized with the single sperm. After fertilization once the embryo reaches the multi cell stage the embryo is placed in the uterine cavity to develop further and to continue as a natural pregnancy.

PCOD in patients can be challenging for the fertility treatments due to its comorbidities and these patients required to be handled with care and an individualized patient protocol. Recurrent Pregnancy loss (RPL) is also the next concern where once conception has occurred continuation of pregnancy and a healthy live birth baby is awarded to the couple there are various causes which needs to be addressed.

Evaluation of infertility in each patient with the right treatment protocols to achieve a live birth is the Goal with good pregnancy rate at Abalone Clinic maternity and fertility center since 2005.At Abalone Clinic We have individualized the program so that the patients receive the treatment best suited for their problems. All the protocols are transparent with promising results and caring staff.